Friday, October 16, 2009

Learning Lots!

Wow! It's been a long time since we've updated our blog! Sorry about that... we've had some problems with the Internet, and we've been keeping busy here! We're getting to know the Misegades and the way they do things, we're getting to know the "regulars" here as well as the occasional guests and even some new people... and we're getting to know Égletons. Here's a sign that we thought was really funny. It points to Soudeilles (a town) and "Other Directions." We were the only ones laughing, but that's ok. :)
We're enjoying the food... I got brave one night and made crêpes. They were pretty tasty! I also found a recipe online for Anaïs to make pancakes. She was SO excited!!! She *loves* pancakes. :)
This is a picture of a small part of open market. It happens on Sundays when weather permits, I think. They have all kinds of local produce, cheeses, honey, sausage, clothes, etc etc etc. It's a great place to try new things and talk to people about what they're selling... most of the time, they made it!
This man makes some mean boudin and andouille!
So Sunday during open market, we went to get some fresh bread. There we ran into a friend of the Misegades, Sabine. She was so excited to hear that Charles is Cajun! She asked if we would be interested in hearing some local music and learning some dances. She said she'd love to also learn about Cajun music and dancing. We said absolutely, that would be right up our alley! So Monday night, we went to the dance lesson. Charles played with the two accordionists, and I danced -- for 2 and 1/2 hours! We had a blast! :) I thought I'd get to take pictures, but I got pulled into dancing, so this is the only photo I have. We also went, that Friday night, to a rehearsal of a group that plays traditional music from this area. It was really interesting! We got invited to come back to their next practice and play with them. We're really excited at the opportunities this gives us both in music and in building new relationships.
I'm really loving my camera that my parents gave me for my birthday... This is a picture taken early in the morning, from right in front of the house we're staying in for now. It's colder than it looks, though! This morning, it was -6 degrees Celsius (I think that's around 22F). Charles on a Sunday afternoon :)Me and my new friend, Anaïs. She's a passionate young Christian girl studying to get a Bible certificate. She loves to talk about the Lord, and talking with her is really helping my French!
Charles and Bob, hard at work on a wall they built to be a future retaining wall for a future swimming pool. This wall has been a lot of hard work for Charles and Bob, as well as Christian, who comes every Wednesday. When Christian is there, they speak only in French, and this has been a big help to Charles' French. He keeps up conversation very well. (We also speak French at dinner.)
Now we're preparing for the week and a half that Bob and Sheri won't be here. We've been planning menus and stocking up on food supplies. A few of their friends will be here to help us, which is good, because there will be between 20 and 30 people to feed every day -- potentially 3 times each day, even. Charles and Bob have been doing some dinner music some evenings. They're quite a pair! I've been really enjoying the women's Bible study -- both the study and the ladies who attend it. I'm able to follow it and even share my thoughts sometimes, but I still speak quite slowly.

The weather is colder than we expected. We found out about a thrift shop kind of place in Égletons, though, so we might see about getting some gloves. The Misegades have given us their spare coats. They're taking very good care of us! They also gave us this weekend off since the next two weekends we'll be going full speed without them here. So we're going to spend Saturday in Tulle, we think, and browse some music stores and maybe attend a gospel concert we read about in the paper. Anyway, keep us in your prayers and keep us posted on what's going on with you! We miss y'all!


  1. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well! I love the pictures! I'm so jealous that you're there. :) I LOVE YOU, Amber!

  2. I miss you too. Everything sounds really, really encouraging, you know? Meeting new people, using your music, exciting cultural experiences like the market, talking about stuff of eternal significance in French, beautiful weather, lots of work to do -- do you feel encouraged too?


  3. Sounds like you guys are doing well! You made me crave some crepes! HAHA!

    I enjoy seeing pictures of what you guys are up to! Glad to hear you are learning french and making friends! Sounds like you have so many great opportunities!!! I know God is going to use you two!

    I'm praying for you!!
