Friday, August 28, 2009

Movin' Out

During our last week in Georgia, Charles' dad, Gene, came up and preached at our church Sunday - Wednesday. It was a wonderful time, and God really blessed us and refreshed us. The Hixsons came up to hear Gene and to visit with us. We ate popcorn and ice cream, and they didn't mind the boxes and stuff that were everywhere. :)

As you can see from the pictures, we've been packing, packing, packing, packing, packing... we've finally gotten stuff into storage (thanks largely to our crew of helpers!!) and we were exhausted by the end of it! We took a few days to rest and relax at Charles' Aunt Rita's house.... she keeps a supply of ice cream and Little Debbie Cakes. :) It was not the healthiest few days, but we really enjoyed it! We'll be visiting several churches in Louisana while we're here. We spoke at Cornerstone, a church Charles' parents started, and loved it! They're a very warm and welcoming church, and we shared lots of laughs and a delicious lunch at Hong Kong. :)

Anyway, here are some of our moving pictures. We'll keep you posted on our activities and progress and maybe have a video of us singing soon! :)

Ta-Da!!! :) All done! Thanks so much to all of you who helped!
Keep us in your prayers as we live in transition and continue to raise support. And stay tuned for more regular updates!

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