Thursday, July 23, 2009

Our Letter

Here's our letter as a googledoc... just click on the word "Letter" below to read it. OR you can email us at and we'll send you the letter as a PDF attachment.


Monday, July 20, 2009

Our Trip to Arkansas

Here are a few pictures from our trip. First is a picture of Charles on top of Hawk's Bill Crag (a hike that made Amber very nervous!). Then there's a picture of us in front of a lake by the Acquarium in Russellville. The third picture is of us with Jake, Beth, Hope, and Wyatt; and the last picture is of Barb and Leroy :)

We just got back from a wonderful trip to Arkansas! We visited with old friends of Charles and some of his family. We stayed with Jake and Beth MacPeek for our first two nights. They took such good care of us, showing us around Russellville and letting us play with their children, Hope and Wyatt. We got to eat at a local Cajun restaurant
and see the aquarium, and we visited their church, the Russellville Christian & Missionary Alliance Church. There we ate a delicoius breakfast, sang a couple songs, and told them about our plans to go to France in September. We really enjoyed visiting with the church members, and if you're one of them reading this right now -- keep in touch! We had such a wonderful time with you! You're a fantastic body of believers! :)
After church on Sunday, we ate lunch with Uncle Harold and Aunt Sarah. We forgot to get a picture, but we had a blast talking with them about life, politics, movies, etc. I hope we can see them again before we leave. :)

Monday afternoon, after having lunch with Jake, Beth, Hope, and Wyatt, we headed up to the C&MA camp where Charles used to work as a cook. There we went on a hike through the woods and saw some of the damage from last Winter's ice storm. We stopped and took some pictures at the camp's waterfall, which is currently dry, but was still beautiful! We also got to visit with Max and Melissa and hear about all the improvements they've been making around camp. That night we ate dinner and stayed with Barb and Leroy. Charles helped Leroy fix their television/cable problem, and Amber spent some time getting delicious recipes from Barb, who Charles always says is an *excellent* baker. :) Amber should be cooking up some coconut pies and yeast rolls pretty soon! Before we left their home, Barb made us a wonderful breakfast of rolls, cinnamon rolls, eggs, and bacon. Then we sat on their porch and watched the hummingbirds. :)

Before we left camp, we visited with Mike and Mary Danchenko. Charles had heard if he didn't stop to see them, he'd be in trouble! We got to meet their granddaughter as well, and she was a ball of energy!

From camp, we headed up through Berryville and Eureka Springs, AR to Uncle Keith and Aunt Watty's house. They open their houses to ministers who need a vacation, and they just happened to have a few days free to spend with us. They showed us around Eureka Springs and Aunt Watty fattened us up with her delicious cooking! We sat on the porch in the evenings and drank coffee, ate banana cake, and marveled at God's creation -- their view is fantastic! Here it is before sunrise:

Wednesday night, we played some songs at Berryville Christian Fellowship with Charles's cousin, Kevin. Charles played the guitar and the juiceharp, Kevin played the guitar, and Amber played the scrub board / tin can / reception bell -combo instrument Charles had rigged up. We made quite an ensemble. Then we talked to the church about our plans for France and met some more wonderful people. We were challenged by Dale Price's message and really enjoyed our fellowship with the body there. We hope they keep in touch with us as well!

Thursday night we got to visit with Kevin and Casie and their beautiful little girls, Madeline and Lucy. Aunt Watty cooked up some gumbo and later we had ice cream. Aunt Watty laughed at me for putting chocolate syrup on my watermelon, but I got her to try it and she admited it was pretty good. :)

Please keep us in your prayers. We have a lot of support yet to raise and are also beginning to really feel the pains of leaving our home church here in Carnesville.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Here we are! our first post and don't we look great? We'll begin posting regularly shortly, so check us out from time to time to see how we're doing.